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Pre-Kindy and Kindy

"A person's a person, no matter how small."

- Dr Suess


Pre-Kindy & Kindy Program

The Our Place Pre-Kindy Program will provide an interactive environment that facilitates learning through play and social interactions with peers and Educators. The National Early Years Learning Framework will form the foundation for our planning, coupled with written Learning Journeys of the children’s experiences at the centre. The Program will be guided by the Children’s interests and provide opportunities for further learning and development. This will include fine and gross motor, language, social and emotional, cognitive (problem solving & mathematical thinking) and creative development. The Pre-Kindy Program will provide large blocks of activity time to enable open-ended play and learning, this is how children learn best. Our Place will however incorporate transitions to and from some semi-structured experiences/learning forums, and will follow a Kindy Daily Routine, in preparation for the ‘Big School’ transition.


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